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Home > Yoga Studio By Location > USA > Ny > Bronx > In light yoga and health

  In Light Yoga and Health
3626 De Reimer Avenue
Bronx, NY - New York
U.S.A. , 10466
Contact By : Email
Yoga Styles : Kundalini Yoga
No. of Classes : 5 (Per Week)
Certifications  : Level 2
Cost : Single class $15 New Student Special $35 Other class cards available
Comments : In Light Yoga and Health is an oasis in the Bronx, NY offering Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. Services offered include Ra Sekhi Kemetic Energy Medicine, Reflexology and spiritual growth workshops.

More Details:
Yoga Teacher Listed : NIL     
Holistic Practitioner Listed : NIL     
Event Listed : NIL     
Website Listed : NIL     
Retreat/Ashram Listed : NIL     
Products Offered : NIL     
Certification Program Offered : NIL     
Retreats Offered : NIL     
Articles Contributed : NIL     
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