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Bikram Yoga Inner Sunset
455 Judah St @ 10th Ave
San Francisco ,
CA - California
, 94122
Tel : 415 753 8694
Contact By : Email
Yoga Styles |
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Bikram Yoga
Levels |
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No. of Classes |
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(Per Week)
Certifications |
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Bikram Yoga College of India
Cost |
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Comments |
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The Spa Yoga Studio of Bikram Yoga in San Francsico, The Country Club of Bikram Yoga, Modern and Elegant Environment, Super, Clean, Excellent Teachers, Intimate Classroom experience, Our Studio is the only Bikram Yoga Studio in San Francsico that is not carpeted. Our floor is state-of-the-art non porous insulated and shock absorb ant rubber flooring. We do not have bacteria, mold, or mildew on our studio floor. Our Studio is 100% handi cap compliant. We have completely remodled and elevated the yoga experience int a modern clean and healthy environment. Our heat is 50% Green helping to save the gas and electrical resources of our environment. Hence our health at the same time.